Discussing Executive Advising and The Sandler Group on ePodcast Network

ePodcast Network Leland Sandler

Discussing Executive Advising and The Sandler Group on ePodcast Network


Leland Sandler featured on the ePodcast Network, talking about business and executive coaching, listen here:


For our first installment, Leland Sandler joins Eric Dye of Enterprise Radio to discuss the following:

  • What is the role of an Executive Advisor?
  • What differentiates The Sandler Group?
  • What do you mean by ‘real change’?
  • What sort of clients do you tend to work with?
  • How would you describe the process that you use in your executive advising work?

PodcastBlogimageLeland is the Managing Partner and an Executive Advisor for The Sandler Group based in Del Mar, California, a management-consulting and executive advising company that focuses on improving the business aspects of the global life sciences and technology communities.


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