Author: tsgadmin

Although it may be contrary to popular belief, great coaches and great clients do have certain qualities. Today I talk through a few of these qualities with Patrick Henry, CEO of QuestFusion. We discuss the struggles I’ve had with clients who aren’t open to being...

An intentional corporate culture is something I feel that a lot of companies are missing. Whether it is a culture that has been established before the company was created, or one that you create as you are just starting, an intentional corporate culture is a...

When it comes to executive coaching, there are a few things that business owners have a misconception about, and I spend quite a bit of time overcoming these misconceptions. In this clip, I talk about the top one that I see, which is that business...

I love discussing how millennials make an ideal candidate to advise. They are more interested in winning than how they are perceived by others. A major characteristic of millennials is their curiosity, which allows them to be open to feedback, and to the practices that...

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